When you think of exercise, you most likely think of moving your body to strengthen your muscles and improve your health. There is something else you should be exercising frequently that often gets neglected. It is … your brain!
You use your brain every single day, it is part of everything you do, think, say, and more! As you age, your brain can weaken so it is important to exercise the brain. This will help to improve your memory, keep you focused, and more. Brain exercises are good for people of all ages! Here are some ideas to help challenge your brain and strengthen it!
Draw a map from your memory
Think of your neighborhood or town and try drawing and labeling the streets and landmarks. If you want to challenge yourself more try drawing a map of somewhere you don’t visit as often or aren’t as familiar with. When you’re done compare it to a real map and see how you did. You can keep going by studying the real map and retrying to draw your own.
Build your vocabulary
Expanding your vocabulary is a great way to challenge your brain and keep it working hard. You can build your vocabulary by getting a dictionary and trying to learn and use new words each day. You could also do this by learning a new language.
Learn or teach a new skill
Learning a new skill is exciting and can also boost your brain. Learning something like how to play a musical instrument, how to sew, how to use a certain tool, and more can make your brain think differently than usual. Another great way to challenge your brain is to teach a skill to someone. This will encourage you to learn more about that particular skill and also make you think of a way to teach it that will make sense to that individual.
Switch things up
When you do the same things every day, your brain gets used to it and doesn’t have to think as hard. Try changing small tasks up to challenge your brain. You could attempt using your non-dominant hand for things like eating or writing a short note. You could also start taking a different route to work than you usually do.
Start trying to challenge your brain a few times a day! By doing so you will be able to improve your memory, expand your knowledge, and prevent future brain-related diseases.
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