Sugar is a sweet item that everyone loves. However, some sugar doesn’t love us.
Sugar comes in both natural form and added form. Natural sugar is great for us and is found in things like whole fruits, whole vegetables, and dairy. Added sugar, on the other hand, is not good for us. Added sugar is found in things like soft drinks, desserts, candy, sweetened food items, and more.
Added sugar sneakily shows up in a lot of food items. It is not always called added sugar, it can be called things like corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, barley malt, and more!
Sugar is in a lot of things, even food items you wouldn’t expect! Here is how sugar can impact you!
People who have diets high in sugar are more likely to develop heart disease and other conditions including obesity, inflammation, high blood pressure, and more. A high sugar diet affects your arteries which causes stress and damage to your heart.
You’ve been told since you were younger that candy is not good for your teeth, and it’s true! Bad bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugar you eat and get to work and destroying your tooth enamel. This causes cavities and tooth decay.
Obesity is a growing issue worldwide and added sugar is not helping. People who regularly consume added sugar are far more likely to be overweight as well as be at a higher risk for type 2 diabetes. Sugar is not filling which will cause you to eat more and lead to weight gain.
Everyone wants to have clear and glowing skin. Sadly, sugar will not help you achieve this. Added sugars have been known to cause acne as it causes imbalances in your body. Sugar can also make your skin age faster, damaging collagen and elastin in your skin.
Sugar has many impacts on your body and your health. Do your best to avoid sugar and you will notice a difference in several ways!
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