This site is called Wellnessaurus so I thought I’d talk about part of that name, wellness.
If you do a quick search using Google on “wellness” you’ll see that people have a lot of different things to say about it. Some claim there are eight dimensions to wellness, while some claim there are four, 10 and even 12!
So how many are there really? Well, that isn’t what’s really important. You could probably make up hundreds of dimensions, pillars, types, etc. if you wanted. What matters is the essence of those dimensions. In looking closer, the different so-called dimensions to wellness relate to each other or encompass others.
Some of those many stated dimensions include emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, spiritual, self-responsibility and love, breathing, sensing, eating, moving, feeling, thinking, playing and working, communicating, intimacy, finding meaning, and transcending. Wow, a lot to wrap your head around right? However, when you think about it, things like breathing and moving can be covered by the physical dimension. Likewise, finding meaning, transcending, feeling, self-responsibility and sensing could go under the spiritual dimension. Most importantly, they all have to do with aspects of your life that you could always enhance.
That’s what wellness is all about improving. According to Oxford, it is “the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.” We make goals to better ourselves or situation, that is just what wellness is all about.
In a Medium article, I talk more about this nature of wellness: “When you talk about wellness, you talk about a positive, a pursuit of good. Wellness is a word that inspires one to be forward-looking about their health, to act in pursuing or maintaining a good state of health.”
Furthermore, though Wellness relates to your health, it is imperative to keep in mind that it’s more than only becoming healthier–it’s a journey to improve every aspect of yourself and life.
Kathryn Stolle is a certified wellness coach and her company slogan is “Wellness for Change.” That’s what wellness should do: change your life (for the better).
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