Health foods are trending, but are they actually healthy? Is that “healthy” snack your friend recommended to you actually healthy? Just because items are marketed as “low fat”, “gluten-free”, “plant-based”, etc. doesn’t mean that they are good for you. Keep reading to find out 10 foods that you think are healthy, but aren’t.
1. Granola
Granola seems like a quick and healthy item to grab when you’re running late in the morning or to snack on throughout the day. However, most granola that you find at the store is full of things like butter, vegetable oil, and white sugar. Granola can be hiding more calories in it than you would expect. Check the ingredients in your granola and swap it out for low-sugar and check for good ingredients. You can also make your own granola so you know exactly what is going into it!
2. Protein Bars
Did you know that most protein bars have similar nutrition facts to a candy bar? Meal replacements can seem like a good idea, but they are packed with extra calories and added sugar that is not good for you. When choosing a protein bar, look for good ingredients like eggs, nuts, seeds, unsweetened fruit, etc.
3. Soy and Nut Milk
Many people choose to cut dairy out of their lives and drink soy and nut milk instead. If you drink these types of milk, you probably prefer the sweetened kind over the unsweetened. The sweetened kind may taste better but that is because it is hiding lots of extra sugar that the unsweetened milk does not have. Opt for the unsweetened and mix in honey or berries for a natural sweetness.
4. Trail Mix
Trail mix is often viewed as a healthy snack because it has nuts in it! While nuts are good for you, some of the other stuff is not. The things that make trail mix unhealthy are the things added to it like salts, oils, and other flavorings. Many trail mixes also have chocolates, candies, and sugary dried fruit that are high in sugar. It is better to opt for unsalted nuts or unsweetened dried fruit.
5. Deli Meats
People striving for healthy diets often choose a turkey sandwich when they need a quick lunch. This might sound like a healthy option but deli meats are full of sodium, artificial flavors, nitrates, and fillers. When choosing a sandwich, pick chicken breast, turkey breast, eggs, or tuna.
6. Juice
Many people think that juice is a great way to get their servings of fruits and vegetables in. However, juices are full of sugar, even if they are 100% natural. Juice also doesn’t give you the fiber that you would get from eating whole fruits and veggies. Substitute the juice for water and eat whole fruits and vegetables.
7. Salad Dressing
When trying to eat healthy, salads are a go-to meal for many people. If you eat salad, you probably prefer to have it with salad dressing. Salad dressing is full of preservatives, flavors, salts, sugar, and other additives. Instead of salad dressing, use things like herbs, spices, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, or lemon juice.
8. Veggie Burgers
For people who eat a plant-based diet, they often like to have veggie burgers. Veggie burgers sound healthy as they are plant-based but this is not the case. Veggie burgers are held together with things like oil or butter which means you are getting lots of extra sodium and fat. Look for veggie burgers that are made out of whole foods and don’t contain fillers or additives.
9. Frozen Yogurt
Frozen yogurt is a common dessert for those trying to be healthy. Frozen yogurt hides lots of calories and sugar, especially if you like to add candy toppings. It is often not any better for you than regular ice cream. Try making your own ice cream with frozen bananas, frozen berries, milk, and natural flavoring like honey.
10. Microwave Popcorn
Popcorn is often viewed as a healthy, tasty snack or treat. However, the popcorn most of us eat is full of oil, butter, and salt. These fats are not healthy and highly increase your sodium intake. Opt for making your own popcorn and not adding extra butter or salt.
It is time to rethink “healthy”! As you can see, some of these foods that you typically view as “healthy” can easily be hiding extra calories, sugars, or fats that aren’t good for you. Try substituting some of these items for healthier options!
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