Whether you are working in the office or from home, there are many things you can do to maintain your current and future health. You spend a lot of time at work and getting sick or injured is never good. Follow some of these suggestions to have a healthier work-life!
Manage your stress
Stress is very common in the workplace. Whether you are trying to meet deadlines, live up to company standards, or working towards a promotion–it’s easy to feel stressed. Stress can really take a toll on your mental and even physical health. It can lead to anxiety or depression, weaken your immune system, and cause tension in the body which can lead to things like headaches. If you are feeling stressed, be sure to take time to do things that relax you and calm your nerves. There are lots of ways to ease stress, just do what makes you happy and distracts your mind from the stress of work!
Use correct form
Spending time sitting at a desk and computer can actually be harder on your body than you would think. Typing can cause a lot of wear and tear on the joints in your hands, this activity can lead to things like carpal tunnel and even worsen arthritis. Another important thing when sitting at a desk is your posture. Most people tend to slouch, especially after continuously sitting for long periods of time. Having good posture can prevent back pain and injuries, headaches, give you more energy, and more!
Don’t strain your eyes
It turns out that staring at a computer screen all day isn’t the best for your eyes. If your job is spent primarily looking at a computer screen there are a few things you can do to prevent tension headaches, blurred vision, and future eye problems like macular degeneration. Get blue light filtering glasses or a blue light filtering screen cover to help shield your eyes from the damage. You should also take frequent breaks to look far away from your screen.
Eat wisely
It’s obviously important to eat during the workday to refresh your brain and energy levels. But it is also equally important to pay attention to what your meals and snacks consist of. If you are busy during the day there are many things you can do to still be healthy when you are busy. Pack your own lunch with a variety of nutrients. You can also prepare healthy snacks like fresh fruits and vegetables or nuts when you have a free day so that you can grab them when you’re in a hurry. Eating a balanced diet is important as it can help boost your immune system and prevent future lifestyle diseases.
Organize your space
No matter where you are working, having an organized work area has many health benefits. Decluttering your workspace can help to reduce your stress and make you feel more at ease and put together. You should also take the time to disinfect and clean your work area. Removing the dust from the back of your desk can help reduce allergies. Another important thing is cleaning things you frequently touch like your keyboard, mouse, and favorite pen. This will help reduce the spread of germs and keep you from getting sick.
As we mentioned, you spend a lot of time at work! Making sure you take care of yourself while at work will help prevent you from getting sick or having injuries and other health problems.
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