7 Unique Ways to Ease Your Stress

Most people experience stress and anxiety in some form. Stress comes from many sources and can occur often, even daily. Finding ways to manage your stress will help you to be more productive, healthier, and feel better overall. Here are 7 unique and simple ways to help reduce your feeling of stress.


1. Change Your Alarm Clock Sound

Most people wake up to an alarm clock, but you shouldn’t actually feel alarmed as you start your day. 

Some sounds are too harsh and can startle you as you wake up. This can create a stressful mood for the rest of the day and make you feel rushed and uneasy. Change your alarm to a more peaceful sound with an energizing melody. Doing this will help to ease you into the day and prevent you from feeling groggy. 


2. Light a Candle

Using scents can help you change your mood or feelings. 

Start by finding a scent you love, that will help you to feel calm. After you have your candle you should find a space where you can be alone and feel relaxed. For some people, this is a dark room, and for others, it is a well-lit room with an open window. As you light your candle, do something relaxing like read a book or watch your favorite TV show while the smell calms your body and you enjoy your time by yourself.


3. Write Something

Writing down your thoughts when you are stressed allows you to process and express your emotions. 

Doing this helps you to not overthink as much or keeps you from holding on to negative emotions. Once you write them down you can share your thoughts with a family member or friend. If you are not comfortable sharing them, you can rip up the paper. You could also save the note for later and look back to see what you learned during this stressful time.


4. Wash the Dishes

If you cringe every time you walk by the sink in your kitchen, this tip might be for you. 

Focusing on washing the dishes can distract your mind from the negative distractions you typically dwell on when you are stressed. You will also feel happier and more relaxed when the dishes are done because the space isn’t as cluttered and stressful. As you clean the dishes you can also clean your mind in away. 


5. Sit Up Straight

Good posture can put you in a better mood.

When you are stressed you tend to slouch over, putting more strain on your shoulders, neck, and back. If you focus on having good posture you will open up your body more and not feel as much of the tension that stress might be putting on you. 


6. Go Outside

Going outside is a free and easy way to reduce stress. 

Taking just 5 minutes each day to go outside can reduce stress levels. Going outside and getting sun exposure increases the levels of vitamin D in your. Being outdoors and getting sunshine can improve your immune system and your mood, which in return makes you feel healthier and happier. Whether you are basking in the sun, going for a walk, or spending time in your garden; being outside can reduce stress.


7. Get Rid of Fear

Fear and faith cannot coexist. 

Replace fear with good thoughts, acts, and service. Doing good deeds and staying positive will lower your levels of stress. Some simple things you can do are write a friend a note, pull weeds for your neighbor, call a family member, and more. Doing positive things will push out the negative feelings associated with stress.


It’s typically not a matter of if but when for feeling stressed. Stress can arise in your personal life, your work life, and more. However, there are many ways to combat the stress and anxiety you feel. 







