COVID-19 is making people more cautious about being clean and healthy. You are probably trying to wash your hands more often, you might be wearing a face mask, and you’re trying to keep your house clean. However, there are many things you use daily that are covered in germs that you are probably forgetting about. Read through this list and see what items you should be cleaning!
Your phone and phone case
Take a minute and think about how many times a day you touch your phone. It’s probably one of the first things you grab in the morning and something that goes to every bathroom appointment you have. It’s probably your friend on breaks at work and your dinner and a movie date at night. Chances are you don’t wash your hands before you grab your phone each time… or after. This means that your phone and anything on your phone is basically a powerhouse for growing germs and bacteria. Take time to wipe every inch of your phone down with disinfectant and you will be doing yourself a huge favor.
Anything you touch in your car
When you go somewhere in your car, you touch a lot of things just in your car; the exterior door handle, the gear shift, the steering wheel, the blinker, the radio knobs, the air knobs, your sunglasses, that glove compartment, the interior door handle, the lock, and more! That is a lot of things being touched and a lot of germs being spread. You usually have been somewhere with germs too before you get in your car. You go from places where you pick up germs like work, the grocery store, school, a friend’s house, etc. and then get directly into your car touching all of these things. Take time to disinfect your car and then get some disinfectant wipes to keep in there so that you can clean it more often.
Little details around your house
Your house is where you do a lot of things like eat, get ready, sleep, and more. Because you live in this place, you probably touch a lot more things and spread germs on a lot more surfaces than you think. Think about the door handles and locks you touch, the cabinet handles in the kitchen or bathroom, the faucets, the fridge handles, light switches, the blinds, remotes, and maybe even more. You touch a lot of things in your house and if you live with your family or with friends, these things get touched even more frequently.
Pillows and blankets
Pillows and blankets are in close contact with your body every single night. Bedding gets dirt and oil on it as well as anything else that is on your body including bacteria and dead skin. Washing bedding about once a week as well as washing your pillows three times a year can help you out tremendously when it comes to illness as well as allergies. Washing these things often will also help reduce dust and lead to cleaner air in your house.
How many of these things do you clean frequently? Find something new every day that you could quickly clean, it will help you stay happy and healthy!
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